
What scares you? Is there one thing or situation that gives you the chills so much that you go out of your way to avoid it?
Is the effort you put into avoiding that thing much greater than the actual danger or threat the thing or situation really poses to you in your everyday life?

If so, you may have a phobia. Some of the best-known clinical phobias are fears of heights, fears of closed places, and even fears of spiders. But there are other phobias which are broader in nature. These are called "social phobias," and include the fear of speaking to large groups of people, or even being surrounded by crowds of people.

Phobias vary in intensity. Some people may have mild discomfort or a little anxiety when confronting or just thinking about their own phobia. Others may have intense panic attacks and disabling physical symptoms.

If you have a phobia that is interfering with your life or causing you excess stress, it's important to seek help. Your EAP counselor is a great place to begin for a confidential diagnosis. Sometimes just talking about a phobia is enough to come to terms with it. Other times more therapy, hypnosis, or perhaps medication are recommended by medical professionals.

Phobias are treatable, and there is no reason to have to live in fear.

If you are experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms, Please contact your EAP counselor.

  • You are more afraid than most people of a specific object, situation, or activity.
  • You feel stressed or have a panic attack when you are near the object or situation.
  • If you are a teenager or adult, you understand that the amount of fear you have about the object or situation is not reasonable.
  • You avoid the object, situation, or activity that you are afraid of.
  • The fear and stress that you feel make it hard for you to do normal activities such as going to work every day or doing grocery shopping.
  • If you are under age 18, you have had symptoms for at least 6 months.
  • Your symptoms don't fit another problem, such as panic disorder.

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Ph: 337 990 5308

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